Monday, May 14, 2012

Mom Enough for Me.

Oh, Time.  You've got us all in a tizzy with your most recent article.  Perfect timing too - right before we are supposed to set aside all of our Mommy insecurities and celebrate the life we lead.

But here's the thing.  I'm not interested in the race you are trying to put me in.  I don't care what everyone else does - breastfeed until they're 4?  Sure!  Co-sleep?  Why not?!  These are not the choices we are making for our family, but if that is what's best for you, go ahead and wear that baby. 

I used to care.  We taught The Bug sign language and enrolled him in a music class, which he mostly slept through.  Really.  And I bought, steamed and pureed all of his baby food.  Organic of course.  I cried when The Texan would throw out less than 1 ounce of breast milk.  It was the Mommy Olympics and I wanted to win that gold.

I quickly realized that all of that didn't matter.  It was creating too much stress for me to be Mom Enough for everyone else.  So now, I'm the only Mom I worry about.  I know what is best for my child and I am confident in the decisions I make for him. 

So yesterday as millions of Moms were celebrated, I celebrated too.  Homemade donuts in the morning, an afternoon lunch with my own Mom and Grandma, and a play date in the park with friends. 

I'm Mom Enough for me and most importantly, Mom Enough for him.


  1. You do win the Mommy Olympics... Gold, of course!!

  2. Dearest Sarah- I love your post! This one takes the tops for me. You inspire me to be the Mom that I am and continue to do so. Henry is so lucky to have such a secure, confident, loving and attentive Mommy like you!! And I'm so glad to have you as my friend! Mom's like you ROCK!!! Miss you dear!! xoxo

  3. Beautifully written and such a valuable point. We need to stop being so worried about trying to be perfect- and focus more on just loving our kids and doing the best we can. Thanks for this great post!
